Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mission Accomplished!!!

Today I pushed myself to the ultimate limits as a participant in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. A group of my close friends and myself formed a relay team and after a lot of hard work and pain we pushed through to finish in 4 hours and 22 minutes! Despite the 48 degree temperature, and rain, and wind, each and every one of us conquered new levels of personal fitness. I ran 7.25 miles in under 1 hour, which is a personal record. While training, I had been running a slower mile time, but apparently with all the excitement and adrenaline pumping through my body this morning I ran the fastest I have ever run! An extra bonus was when we all went out for a big BURGER at Irma’s to celebrate. Pretty sure I haven’t tasted such a yummy burger in a long time!

Although my body is sore and I feel fatigued, I can’t wait until the next race. Running is like an addictive drug, you can’t get ever get enough and it leaves you wanting more! Because I felt so good after running the 7.25 miles, I now have the desire to train for the half, and potentially the full one day!! We will see- maybe I will be singing a different tune tomorrow when I wake up ☺

I am so proud of all my friends- good job Ryan, Adriane, Laura and Amy! I was proud to be a member of your team!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Time to Remember

Today is a day of reflection and rememberance for all those affected by the tragedy at Columbine High School 9 years ago today. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the survivors, especially for the families of those who were lost and wounded.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I wouldn't wish this on anyone

Right now, I feel like someone has removed my heart and is wringing it out like a dirty dishtowel, until every last drop of water falls to the sink below.

Basically that is how it feels to write a letter to a loved one in preparation for an intervention. It’s painful enough to drudge up all of the muck, let alone organize it, and present it with a big ribbon of love.

All day and night I have been drafting this letter and it feels like an impossible task, where any outcome is bound to be a painful one for every person involved. My energy is zapped, and all the pain that has been buried deep down, like some dormant volcano, is now rising to the surface, with all of it’s bubbling, molten lava looking for some outlet; anywhere to go- the best route possible, without taking any casualties. There are so many good reasons why this particular volcano never needed to erupt- however, I hope that for both my loved one, and myself that we will look back and be grateful for this moment in time. Perhaps it will be a turning point in us individually and towards each other. Perhaps, we will find freedom in areas of our lives where we were unaware of our chains.

So for tonight, I press on, committed to doing my part; I will do what it takes to express the deepest and even the darkest places within my past and those I carry with me in my heart, if it means a chance at redemption for all!

I cling to Hope, because Hope clings to me- refusing to let me give up!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring has Sprung

With spring comes a fresh newness of life and hope!

“O Lord, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your possessions.” Psalm 104:24

We are the Champions!!

Monday night KU fans everywhere celebrated a long awaited, much deserved victory for the National Championship title in college basketball! This was a momentous occasion for the Kansas Jayhawks who have come close on numerous occasions to winning the big dance, but every year watched their chance slip away.

Allyson and I cheered on the Jayhawks along an entire restaurant full of people in San Diego, California. It was a little touch and go there for a bit, but in the end we got the W!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This past weekend I experienced my first ever barn party since moving to Oklahoma nearly three years ago. My sweet friend Lindy turned 30 and we had the privilege of celebrating this milestone with her. I always love a good dance party- and it was especially fun to bust out the old line dancing moves for the first time since my college days when my friends and I used to frequent the Grizzly Rose (a country bar in Colorado).

Of course my husband, along with our friends Ryan and Andy- hit the dance floor immediately and offered everyone at the party- nothing but sheer entertainment for the entire evening.

The barn party was everything I would have ever thought a barn party to be- fully equipped with an overabundance of yummy food, checkered table clothes, American flags, hay bails, good ole’ country tunes blaring through the speakers, and best of all, great friends!!

Here is a little taste of Oklahoma for ya’all!!