Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mission Accomplished!!!

Today I pushed myself to the ultimate limits as a participant in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. A group of my close friends and myself formed a relay team and after a lot of hard work and pain we pushed through to finish in 4 hours and 22 minutes! Despite the 48 degree temperature, and rain, and wind, each and every one of us conquered new levels of personal fitness. I ran 7.25 miles in under 1 hour, which is a personal record. While training, I had been running a slower mile time, but apparently with all the excitement and adrenaline pumping through my body this morning I ran the fastest I have ever run! An extra bonus was when we all went out for a big BURGER at Irma’s to celebrate. Pretty sure I haven’t tasted such a yummy burger in a long time!

Although my body is sore and I feel fatigued, I can’t wait until the next race. Running is like an addictive drug, you can’t get ever get enough and it leaves you wanting more! Because I felt so good after running the 7.25 miles, I now have the desire to train for the half, and potentially the full one day!! We will see- maybe I will be singing a different tune tomorrow when I wake up ☺

I am so proud of all my friends- good job Ryan, Adriane, Laura and Amy! I was proud to be a member of your team!


Ally said...

Looking HOT!!! check out those leg muscles!! way to go!!

Adriane said...

I'm glad I wasn't trying to win a beauty contest that day! Man oh man. Maybe I should invest in some jazzy new running gear. :)