Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sleepless in Germany

Guttentag mien freundes! I have now been in Deutschland for four days, and I have slept in three different places and have spoken ten times!! I guess you could say I have been fairly busy, but I have managed to see much of the countryside around Southern Germany and I have met a lot of people. I am not able to communicate with most, but some of the younger students speak good English. However, when I find myself in a situation where I am unable to communicate and I feel uncomfortable, I inevitably turn to Spanish, because it’s the only foreign language I know. You don’t have to be a brain scientist to know that Spanish doesn’t get you very far in Germany.

I am very thankful to be here. It isn’t every day I get to come to Europe for work, so I am taking advantage of every possible opportunity, even though things may be a bit busy and disorganized. To all my friends who love a well thought out plan, I am sure you would be pulling your hair out right about now. Every morning I wake up not knowing where I am going, who I am going with or where I will be staying that night. It makes for some interesting adventures, like the one I wrote about in my first blog with the wedding.

However, it never ceases to amaze me when I travel around the world and meet other believers. People are so passionate about the Lord and will stop at nothing to share Him with others! I was encouraged tonight by a conversation with a young girl who kept talking about her deep love for the Lord and how she wants everyone to experience the same life changing love. We may worship God in a different language, but we are connected on a much deeper level through Jesus. I am thankful to be a part of God’s Church around the world and it is through my interaction with other believers that I am inspired to keep walking into deeper intimacy with Him! So be encouraged because there are many who are fighting the good fight, even half a world away!

Many of you know how Africa is never far from my heart and my thoughts. It has been exciting to meet many believers in Germany who have lived there just as I have, and to share our experiences with one another. It always fires me up to talk about Africa and it makes me want to go again! Perhaps that will be my next trip. One can only hope!

I am sure most of you will not be shocked to learn that I have already taken thousands of pictures, and my new camera is getting sufficient use. I will try to post some online soon so you can view them if you are interested.

It is currently 2:00 in the morning and my body wants me to believe it’s actually 2:00 in the afternoon. I can’t seem to shake the jet lag- and I am almost certain that as I begin to settle into a schedule here it will be time to turn around and come back home, isn’t that always how it works?

More from me later, but for now I will try to catch some shut eye!

1 comment:

Adriane said...

We need more stories! I've enjoyed reading about your time in Germany, but I want to hear more about your travels!! And see pics! Hope you and Pete are having a great time. Miss you!