Monday, October 20, 2008

Busy in Germany

Pretty sure I have officially beaten all previously held records for amount of times spoken in a single day or week. My trip to Germany has been rather eventful, as I have not let a single moment go to waste, and it’s not over, I still have another week.

I am a part of a two-week event called Ich Glaubs (I believe), which is very similar to our school program, The 180 Tour in the United States. I am speaking in schools during the day and in churches at night. When I’m not doing Ich Glaubs I am promoting my book (Ich Dachte Mein Leben Ist Vorbei) and doing a lot of media interviews. Despite my busy schedule, I managed to sneak away for a day trip to see Paris with my hubby.

Just last week I spoke seven times in one day. Normally, with a translator seven times wouldn’t be so bad, but the teachers wanted the students to practice understanding English so I spoke five times for forty-five minutes a piece. Altogether, the amount of time I spoke totaled four hours and thirty-five minutes! Not to mention, that in the same week, I traveled to twelve different cities and spoke twenty-three times. Are you kidding me, that’s insane?!

My biggest prayer is that when all is said and done that God gets the glory. I am honored to participate with Him as He is changing lives around Germany, and I am thankful that I am able to speak of His great love to so many students. Every once and awhile, as believers, we have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the impact we have on others according to His work through us and throughout recent days I have been able to see the fruits of some of my labor….

A few nights ago, I met a special young lady by the name of Banin. Banin had come to hear me speak, because she has been studying the topic of school shootings for many years. In fact, three years ago she did a huge project about Columbine, and had even seen me in Michael Moore’s movie, “Bowling for Columbine.” She was excited to hear my story of survival, but I am not sure she was prepared to hear about how Jesus has changed my life! After I finished speaking, she approached with some tough questions about my faith in Christ. For the next hour I shared the Gospel with Banin and gave my best attempt at answering questions like; Why Jesus allows bad things to happen, Why there is suffering in the world, about the differences between what a relationship with Jesus looks like compared to other religions, and about fear. Although Banin was not ready to make a decision for Christ, many seeds were planted in her heart and mind and I am confident that the Lord will complete the work He began in her. I am forever thankful He took me to that village, on that night, to have that conversation with that very special young lady!

Also, the first week I was here, I went to a school in a remote village, and a week later received the following email from a young man named Timo.

Hey Crystal

You were at the 6Th of October 2008 at our School (AHS) and you reported about the Columbine High School Massacre, I don't know if you remember me. I am the boy who asked for an autograph Thanks again. I hope you can understand my English. I want to ask you a last question. I have watched many Videos about the Columbine High School Massacre at home on YouTube after your report and I have seen how brutal it has been. And I have almost began to cry because they were so terrible and so brutal. But when you where here and told about it you didn’t look unhappy you smiled. I am surprised about that. I think when I witness something like that I don’t know if a can live normally, smiled about anything or talk about that to other people because that must brutal. And the question goes around in my head, every day after your report I asked myself. How do you managed to live a normal life and go to other people and tell them what you saw??? What gives you your innerly peace??? Is it God who gives the innerly peace ??? I hope you can answer my question.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you

Timo C.

Last but not least, I was able to pray for a fellow brother in Christ named Karim who came to faith nearly five years ago, but has been unable to tell his father for fear that he will disown him, or even kill him! Karim grew up in a very strict Muslim family and knows following Christ could cost him everything. Both his brothers and Mother know he is a Christian, but they think it’s only a phase and soon enough he will come back to the Islamic faith. It’s always inspiring and challenging to come into contact with people like Karim because I confronted with the realization of how lazy and comfortable I can be in my relationship with the Lord, and it spurs me on to live with greater boldness and passion!!


Cindy said...

I LOVE these stories. I'm so glad you're having a good time and you got to spend some quality time with Pete in Paris. I'm so jealous. Can't wait to see your sweet face again!

Leah said...

oh sweet crystal! what a productive time you are having! your stories are encouraging to my heart, thanks for sharing them... i hope there will be some more 'paris moments' in the next week--don't run yourself into a crazy migraine mess! :) love you.